Home >  Term: miescattering

1. Developed by Gustav Mie in 1908, this is a complete mathematical-physical theory of the scattering of electromagnetic radiation by spherical particles. In contrast to Rayleigh scattering, the Mie theory embraces all possible ratios of diameter to wavelength. See size parameter. The Mie theory is very important in meteorological optics, where diameter-wavelength ratios of the order of unity and larger are characteristic of many problems regarding haze and cloud scattering. Scattering of radar energy by raindrops constitutes another significant application of the Mie theory. Compare to Rayleigh Scattering.

2. Processes by which particles of similar size and electrical characteristics separate or disperse different wavelengths (colors) of light. Since the Sun's visible spectrum contains a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet colors, these wavelengths are differentially scattered by particles as they travel through the atmosphere.

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