U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who skins sections of animals or whole animals, such as cattle, sheep, and hogs, performing any combination of following tasks as member of a crew. Respnsibilities include: * Slits skin on head of carcass, and pulls and cuts connective tissue until head and neck are exposed, using knife. * Severs head from carcass of animal, using knife and cleaver and places it on racks for inspection. * Trims meat or fat from head skins. * Slits remaining hide on carcass from breastbone to crotch. * Pulls, cuts, and forces hand between hide and carcass to break connective tissue and separate it from neck, sides, shoulders, flanks, back, and tail of suspended carcass. * Breaks and severs legs at knee joint, and removes such parts as dew claws, bungs, tails, and genital organs. * Raises cattle from floor, using hoist, and pulls hide off carcass by hand or using pinchers. * Severs and exposes gullet and windpipe on small stock, using knife, and ties gullet to prevent leakage of fluid when viscera is removed. * Slits womb of cattle with knife to remove slunk (unborn calf). * Shackles neck of slunk and pulls off skin, using winch. * May saw brisket bone on cattle. * May skin pork, using drawknife. * May be designated according to kind of animal or portion of carcass skinned as backer; calf skinner; cattle header; slunk skinner. * May be designated: cattle dropper and pritcher; leg skinner; shoulder puncher; small-stock facer.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who severs jugular vein of previously stunned animals with knife to prepare animals for butchering. Respnsibilities include: * Positions neck of animal suspended from overhead rail or shackled on table for sticking. * Thrusts knife into throat of animal and twists blade to locate and sever jugular vein. * May shackle and suspend animal before sticking. * May sever head and remove skin with knife, after blood has drained. * May be designated according to animal killed as calf sticker; cattle sticker; hog sticker; sheep sticker.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who trims fat, skin, tendons, tissues, and ragged edges from meat cuts, such as loins, spareribs, butts, hams, rounds, sirloins, fillets, and chops, using meat-hook and knife. Respnsibilities include: * Trims meat and fat from bones and places trimmings and bones in separate containers. * Trims fatback from hog bellies and cuts bellies into specified shapes, using knife. * Feeds bacon bellies through rolls to flatten bellies to prescribed thickness. * May wash or scrape dirt and blood from meat. * May be designated according to section of meat trimmed as Belly Trimmer; Butt Trimmer; Fatback Trimmer; Loin Trimmer; Spareribs Trimmer.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who cuts, bones, and sews parts of eviscerated turkeys together to form turkey roll, using knife and needle and thread. Respnsibilities include: * Cuts legs, wings, thighs, and whole skin from turkey and sews together wing holes in carcass. * Cuts breast meat from bones and sews two portions of meat together. * Rolls meat, places roll on opened turkey skin, overlaps skin on meat, and sews ends together to form roll.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends electrically powered bandsaw that cuts portions from hams to prepare hams for smoking, curing, or packing processes. Respnsibilities include: * Lifts ham from meat tank onto saw table, using meat hook. * Presses button to start saw and adjusts saw gauges according to size of ham. * Pushes and guides ham into saw blade by hand or with wooden device to cut shank from ham or to remove tip from shank. * Pushes sawed meat onto conveyor for further processing. * May tend bandsaw that cuts poultry into serving pieces for packaging.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machine that gathers casings into short lengths on horns (metal nozzles of sausage-stuffing machine) to facilitate stuffing of casings with emulsified meat. Respnsibilities include: * Places reel of flattened casings on holder of gathering machine. * Threads casing between feed rollers, onto tube, and onto take-up reel. * Starts machine that automatically expands and rounds casings. * Cuts rounded casings from reel into specified lengths, using cutting attachment on machine. * Places horn over water pipe, fits casing over end of horn, and turns valve to flow water through pipe and into casing to facilitate gathering of casing on horn. * Places horn between two cone-shaped rollers which force and gather casing lengths over horn. * Removes loaded horn and places horn in container.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that dehairs slaughtered hogs preparatory to dressing. Respnsibilities include: * Turns steam and water valves to fill scalding tank with water and heat it to specified temperature. * Starts machine conveyors, and releases hogs shackled to overhead rail to drop them into tank by tripping lever on shackle or prying shackle loose with steel bar. * Pushes hogs through vat and into dehairing machine, using pole, or hooks hog's leg to conveyor chain that pulls hog through tank and dehairing machine. * May cut slit in leg to expose tendon for hooking to conveyor chain. * Opens exit door of machine and pulls carcass onto conveyor. * May be known according to specific task performed as Dropper, Dehairing Machine; Feed-in Tender, Dehairing Machine; Pull-Through Hooker; Scalder.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machine that pulls hides from carcass. Respnsibilities include: * Pulls lever to position clamps on each side of carcass. * Places ends of hide previously separated from carcass into clamps and pulls lever to lock hide in place. * Starts machine that forces carcass forward, tearing off hide. * Rips brisket open to expose viscera, using portable power saw.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machines that scald, remove feathers, singe, and wash slaughtered poultry preparatory to eviscerating and disjointing. Respnsibilities include: * Adjusts clearance between revolving brushes of machine to achieve maximum feather removal without bruising or tearing skin of poultry. * Scans poultry emerging from picking machines to determine if poultry are scalded to specifications and turns steam valves to increase or decrease temperature levels.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machine that removes cellophane or plastic covering from smoked meat products, such as link-sausages, frankfurters, and wieners, to produce skinless variety. Respnsibilities include: * Turns setscrews to adjust skinning mechanism according to size of product. * Starts machine and feeds strand of linked-meat into machine. * Peels remaining fragments of covering from product, using knife.
Industry:Professional careers
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