U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who tends steam cooker to prepare brines and pickling solutions used for preserving food products. Respnsibilities include: * Opens valve to admit required amount of water into steam cooker, observing water gauge or designated mark on cooker. * Pours salt or other ingredients, such as vinegar, alum, tumeric, sugar, and flavoring, into water, using measuring container. * Mixes ingredients in kettle, using paddle. * Admits steam into jacket of cooker and allows solution to boil for specified length of time. * Observes temperature gauge and regulates heat to maintain boiling temperature. * Tests solution for salt and other preserving content, using salinometer or hydrometer. * Adds water, salt, or other ingredients until prescribed specific gravity is attained. * Pumps solution to brine vat or holding tank for aging and curing.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends steam cooker to prepare brines and pickling solutions used for preserving food products. Respnsibilities include: * Opens valve to admit required amount of water into steam cooker, observing water gauge or designated mark on cooker. * Pours salt or other ingredients, such as vinegar, alum, tumeric, sugar, and flavoring, into water, using measuring container. * Mixes ingredients in kettle, using paddle. * Admits steam into jacket of cooker and allows solution to boil for specified length of time. * Observes temperature gauge and regulates heat to maintain boiling temperature. * Tests solution for salt and other preserving content, using salinometer or hydrometer. * Adds water, salt, or other ingredients until prescribed specific gravity is attained. * Pumps solution to brine vat or holding tank for aging and curing.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that mixes brine solution of specified sulfur-dioxide concentration in vat to bleach and preserve cherries prior to processing them into maraschino cherries. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve and observes volume indicators to fill vat with specified volume of water. * Screws hose coupling on outlet valve of sulfur-dioxide gas container, using wrench, and lowers other end of hose into water. * Reads chart and gauges and opens valve to admit specified amount of gas into vat to obtain solution of specified concentration. * Draws sample of brine solution from vat and tests it for volumetric concentration, using test equipment and reagents, such as starch and iodine. * May add lime, according to formula, and in proportion to volume of brine and ripeness of cherries to provide firming agent. * Mixes lime in solution, using paddle. * May pump brine from vat into plastic-lined bins filled with cherries.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment to regulate flow of carbon dioxide into beer lines and tanks to carbonate beer. Respnsibilities include: * Observes volume meters and pressure gauges and turns valves to admit specified amounts of carbon dioxide at specified pressures into tanks and lines. * Observes beer through sight glasses and adjusts flow and pressure of carbon dioxide to control turbulence.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machine that applies flavoring or casing fluid to chewing or smoking tobacco, by either of following methods. Respnsibilities include: * (1) Starts machine, pours fluid into trough of machine. * Forks or shovels tobacco into hopper or onto conveyor that carries tobacco through revolving drum immersed in fluid or under spraying device. * (2) Turns valves and starts pumps to transfer fluid from storage tank to spray tank and to spray fluid on tobacco passing under sprayer on conveyor or fed into revolving drum. * Opens valve to admit steam to jacket of spray tank to heat fluid to specified temperature. * May remove excess fluid from tobacco. * May tend grinders that grind menthol crystals and add menthol to casing fluid.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that cooks corn in steam cooking vat or kettle to soften corn preparatory to grinding into products, such as masa (cornmeal dough), for use in making corn chips and tortillas. Respnsibilities include: * Dumps prescribed quantities of ingredients, such as shelled corn, water, and lime, into cooking vat, and sets controls to admit steam into jacket of vat. * Adjusts cooking temperature and starts equipment that automatically cooks and stirs ingredients. * Drains corn into tank of water, after specified cooking time, for cooling and soaking preparatory to hulling and grinding by corn grinder.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends moistening drums of curing bins that spread moisture uniformly through cooked grain prior to or after being shaped into breakfast cereal, such as flakes or shredded biscuits. Respnsibilities include: * Opens gate in conveyor duct to deflect incoming grain into first bin. * Closes gate when bin is full, records time, and repeats filling operation with next bin. * Pulls lever to dump grain onto conveyor as specified curing time is completed for each bin. * Dislodges remaining grain from bin, using pole. * May tend bins and cooling towers that cool toasted grain to specified temperature for packaging by starting fan and turning water valves as grain moves through equipment and moving lever to direct grain into chutes of filling machines.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends distilling equipment that removes alcohol from beer to convert it to near-beer. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves to admit water to condensers. * Starts impellers and vacuum pumps, and opens beer inlet valve. * Observes meters, and steam-pressure and vacuum gauges, and turns valves to make adjustments required to draw off vaporized and condensed alcohol and return other gases to solution. * Starts pump to transfer solution (near-beer) to storage tank or rack room. * Inspects hoses, pipes, tanks, and connections for leaks and cleans equipment by flushing with water.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends distilling equipment and filter presses that deodorize processed oils used in manufacture of margarine, shortening, and other edible products. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves to admit steam to heat oils to specified temperature. * Pours or dumps specified chemicals into hopper, using standard measuring container. * Maintains specified pressure and vacuum to remove fatty acids and gases from oil.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends processing equipment that separates organic colloidal matter from carbonated raw sugar beet liquor, and purifies liquor prior to refining into granulated sugar. Respnsibilities include: * Opens valves and starts pump to fill settling tank with liquor and adds specified amounts of lime or milk of lime solution. * Sets controls to maintain specified temperature of lime-liquor solution to aid in precipitation process. * Takes sample of liquor from tank and tests for purity, using refractometer. * Opens valves and pumps liquor to process storage tanks and lime sludge to filter station. * Washes remaining sludge from bottom of settling tank. * Records data, such as amount of liquor processed and refractometer readings on batches, in station log.
Industry:Professional careers
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