U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who controls vacuum pan sugar boilers to concentrate sugar liquor and grow sugar crystals to specified size. Respnsibilities include: * Starts vacuum pump, and opens valves to admit specified amounts of liquor and steam into vacuum pan, and water into condenser unit. * Observes boiling of liquor through sight glasses. * Adjusts valves to maintain specified temperatures and pressures and obtain supersaturated solution without carmelizing sugar. * Opens valve to shock solution with panseed (powdered sugar) and start formation of sugar crystals. * Obtains samples of solution, using proofstick, and observes grain size under microscope to determine when crystals have grown to specified size. * Opens pan-feed valve to control growth of crystals. * Samples solution to ensure that sugar crystals remain at specified sizes as pan fills. * Closes pan-feed valve when pan is filled and continues boiling until solution reaches specified concentration of sugar-crystals and massecuite. * Turns valves to stop boiling and to break vacuum seal on pan. * Turns valve to dump sugar into mixing tank or crystallizer. * Washes and steams pan after dumping strike to remove sugar remaining on coils or calandria. * Records strike on station log. * May be designated according to type of liquor boiled as Soft-Sugar Boiler; White-Sugar Boiler; or according to stage in process as High-Raw-Sugar Boiler; Remelt-Sugar Boiler.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who controls equipment to produce vinegar. Respnsibilities include: * Starts pumps and opens valves to charge generators and concentrators with specified volume of vinegar starter, water, alcohol, and coolant. * Monitors air and temperature gauges and flowmeters and adjusts thermostats, valves, and dials to maintain prescribed generating and concentrating conditions for strength of vinegar being processed. * Turns valves to regulate rate and volume of solution through filter tank and to transfer solution to storage or shipping tank. * Tests vinegar samples for grain content (strength), using pH meter and hydrometer. * Records test results and air temperature readings on process control cards.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who sorts, grades, and packs egg skeins containing fish roe. Respnsibilities include: * Examines egg skeins (membrane-enclosed ovaries, tissue, and fish roe) for unacceptable conditions, such as immaturity, bruises, or blood saturation. * Discards unacceptable skeins and places acceptable skeins in containers for weighing and to await further processing. * Dissolves specified salts in water, following brining formula; tests specific gravity of solution, using hydrometer; and pours brining solution into agitation vat. * Flips switches to start vat agitators, pours preweighed amount of egg skeins into vat, and turns knob on timer to set brining cycle. * Feels skeins for firmness and texture to determine effect of brine on skeins. * Removes processed skeins from vat, using wooden-handled seine, and places skeins in container to drain. * Tests brine in vat, using hydrometer, and adds specified salts when required to maintain salinity of brining solution at specified level. * Examines, grades, and separates processed egg skeins, according to factors such as color, length, and width, utilizing product experience. * Selects boxes marked for prescribed grade of egg skeins, places plastic sheets across bottom of boxes as liner, and sprinkles salt over liners prior to packing skeins. * Positions layers of skeins in boxes to ensure preservation and seasoning in boxes. * Weighs boxes on scales after packing, and adds or removes skeins to obtain specified weight. * Folds plastic liner over filled boxes, positions lids on boxes, and stacks packed boxes for storage during aging process.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends steep tanks to soften corn and other grains preparatory to grinding. Respnsibilities include: * Opens hatch and chute gate leading to steep tank, and signals grain receiver to load tank with grain. * Turns valves and starts pumps to fill tank with steep-water to specified level. * Observes thermometers and opens steam valves to heat tank to specified temperature. * Tests specific gravity of water in tanks, using hydrometer, to determine when steeping process is complete. * Records data, such as number of batches and bushels steeped, length of steeping cycle, and temperature and specific gravity of each batch. * May prepare grinding schedules to facilitate production. * May operate sulfur burner to regulate sulfuric acid concentration in steep water, millhouse, and starch wash water. * May work as member of team and be designated according to position as Bottom Steep Tender; Top Steep Tender.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who operates cooker and mashing tub to cook and combine cereal, such as corn or rice, and malt to produce wort. Respnsibilities include: * Opens slide gate on scale hopper to fill cooker and tub with measured amounts of malt and cereal. * Starts pumps and turns valves to admit hot water into cooker and tub. * Starts power-rakes that mix cereal and water in cooker, and malt and water in tub. * Ignites burners to cook cereal and mash over controlled cooking cycle. * Turns outlet valve on cooker and starts pump that transfers cereal mash to tub. * Turns valve that admits steam into tub to heat mash to specified temperature. * Starts power-rake that mixes mash. * Adds iodine to sample of mash and examines color to determine degree of saccharization. * Turns outlet valve to transfer cooked mash to filter press or lautertub. * Washes mashing tub and cooker, using high-pressure water hoses and cleaning solutions. * Records mash temperature, steam pressure, and degree of saccharization.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends machine that mixes pickling solution for use in curing meats. Respnsibilities include: * Weighs specified amount of dry ingredients, such as phosphate and nitrate, on scale, according to written specifications. * Turns valve to fill vat of mixing machine with water, and dumps dry ingredients into vat. * Presses button to activate machine agitator that mixes ingredients and turns valve to admit brine solution into vat. * Tests mixed solution for saline content, using salinometer, and turns valve to stop flow of brine solution into vat when specified saline content is obtained. * Turns drain valve or presses pump button to drain or pump mixed pickling solution from vat into storage tank for use in curing process. * May turn steam valve to heat solution to specified temperature. * May weigh specified amounts of ingredients to prepare dry-cure mix and mix ingredients, using ladle or electric mixer. * May observe meat color to determine degree of cure.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tests brine in olive barrels, maintains salinity of specified level, and inspects olives for evidence of spoilage. Respnsibilities include: * Knocks bung from barrel, using mallet. * Siphons sample of solution from cask and reads indicator level, using hydrometer, to measure solution salinity. * Replaces solution or adds water or salt to maintain brine salinity at specified level. * Feels, smells, and visually examines olives to detect spoilage, wrinkling, and discoloration. * Reseals barrel with bung, using mallet. * May add vinegar or lactic acid to solution to retard spoilage.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that controls temperature and humidity in rotating drums or compartments in which barley is germinated to produce malt. Respnsibilities include: * Starts fans that force and circulate moist, heated air into drums or compartments. * Moves damper counterweights or lowers handle to adjust and obtain specified temperature and humidity. * Adds water to drum, using metered hose, or starts screw-type mixing machine equipped with water sprayer to ensure uniformity of germination. * Removes sample of germinated barley from drum or compartment for laboratory analysis. * Records such data concerned with malting cycle as air and water temperature and humidity content.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who measures and records volume of carbon dioxide in storage tanks during carbonation of beer, and purity of carbon dioxide present in beer after fermentation. Respnsibilities include: * Connects test apparatus to tank test cocks on storage tanks during carbonation of beer. * Reads electronic meter on test apparatus and records meter readings that indicate volume of carbon dioxide, or amount of carbonation, present in beer. * Observes calibrated tube of testing instrument attached to tank test cocks after fermentation of beer, and records readings that indicate percentage of oxygen or purity in carbon dioxide content of beer.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who operates pumps that add yeast to wort, following standard instructions. Respnsibilities include: * Turns spigot to drain yeast from pressurized yeast tub into yeast wagon, or starts pump to transfer yeast from storage tank to yeast brink (pressurized tank that pumps measured amounts of yeast to starting tank). * Connects wort and starting tank lines. * Signals brewery pumper or starts pump to transfer wort from storage to starting tanks. * Mixes yeast and wort, using paddle and connects wagon and wort lines, or opens valve on brink tank to transfer yeast mixture or yeast to wort in starting tank. * Observes flow dials and pressure gauges to ensure that specified ratio of yeast to wort is maintained. * Opens starting tank valve to obtain sample for laboratory analysis. * May pump pure yeast culture, prepared by yeast-culture developer, from sterile barrels through successive yeast culture tanks to permit further cultivation of yeast prior to adding it to wort and be designated Culture-Room Worker.
Industry:Professional careers
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